Safe Searching


Esaftey Assmebly 2023 download

E Safety Assembly 2023 PDF


Lisa (our school's community police officer) shows this video clip to years 7-11 when she comes into school to talk about internet safety. It makes us realise how important it is to be safe online.

Guidelines For Safe Surfing Online

Here is some useful information to help you be safe on the Web.


  • Never tell anyone you meet on the Internet your home address, your telephone number or your school's name, unless your parent or carer specifically gives you permission.
  • Never send someone you don't know a picture of yourself.
  • Never arrange to meet anyone unless your parent or carer goes with you and you meet in a public place. People you contact online are not always who they seem, even people who become pen friends or 'keypals'. People don't always tell the truth online, no one can see them.
  • Never open attachments to e-mails unless they come from someone you already know and trust. They could contain viruses or other programs which would destroy all the information and software on your computer.
  • Never respond to nasty or suggestive messages. Always tell your parent or carer if you get such messages or if you see rude pictures while online and report them to your Internet Service Provider.


  • Always check with your parent or carer that it is ok to be in a chat room.
  • Always keep your password to yourself, do not share it with anyone.
  • Always be very careful in chat rooms. Even if a chat room says it is only for children, there's no way at the moment to tell if everyone there really is a child. It might be an adult or an older child trying to trick you.
  • Always get out of a chat room if someone says or writes something which makes you feel uncomfortable or worried. Make sure you tell your parent or carer.
  • Always be yourself and do not pretend to be anyone or anything you are not.
  • Always stay away from sites that say they are for people over 18 only. The warnings are there to protect you. Adult sites can sometimes cost a lot more on your phone bill too.

For more information on using the Internet safely, visit tthe Think You Know website.

Click her to see our Cyber bullying PowerPoint presentation