School Development Plan

School Development Plan

Our School Development Plan (SDP) is a pivotal document in the life and activities of our school. It is directly linked to our Self Evaluation Report (SER) and focuses on the achievement and wellbeing of pupils through teaching and learning, and leadership and management.  There are many strands to what we do. The Development Plan anchors those strands within a context – that of maintaining and consolidating what is good and successful and building upon it to generate further success. It provides a framework, identifying things that are necessary to do in the short term and those that can be planned for future years.  The SDP generates a sense of purpose and direction and is used to prioritise actions in order to use staff development time effectively so that it has the most impact on children and the standards they attain. Performance Management targets and Action Plans for all staff, including the Senior Leadership Team and Headteacher are linked to the SDP. Local targets set are rooted within this document.



Key Priorities and Targets 

 2021 - 2022 

Key Priorities and Targets 

 2022 - 2023 

Key Priorities and Targets 

 2023 - 2024 

To continue to embed strategies to raise standards in LLC and Maths development in line with targets set 

To continue consolidate and refine strategies to impact on raising standards of progress in LLC, with a forensic focus on progress on Oracyskills and Maths development in line with progress targets  

To continue consolidate and refine strategies to impact on raising standards of progress in LLC, with a forensic focus on progress in Reading and Maths development in line with targets set 


To continue to embed strategies to raise standards of Wellbeing and engagement across the school 

To consolidate and refine strategies and processes which impact on improving standards of Wellbeing and engagement across the school 

To embed and refine strategies and processes which impact on improving standards of progress in Wellbeing and engagement across the school 


To continue to embed strategies to raise standards of Teaching and Learning which are cognisant with our new Curriculum design, fully implementing curriculum 2022 

To consolidate and refine to raise standards of Teaching and Learning which are cognisant with our new Curriculum design -  

To embed and refine approaches to Teaching and Learning which are cognisant with our new Curriculum design 

To continue to embed the provision across the school to ensure we meet the needs of all our vulnerable learner groups 

To consolidate and refine the processes and strategies to develop the provision across the school to ensure we meet the needs of all our vulnerable learner groups 

To embed and refine the processes and strategies to develop the provision across the school to ensure we meet the needs of all our vulnerable learner groups 


To continue to embed standards of leadership for the successful development and implementation of the new Curriculum 2022 

To consolidate and refine strategies and skills to continue to raise standards of leadership in which school improvement continues 

To embed and refine strategies and skills to continue to raise standards of leadership at all levels where all stakeholders drive school improvement