Investors In Families

Investors in Families

Investors in Families is a new project being undertaken at MonnowPrimary school. We strongly believe  in the fundamental importance that families play in helping to shape and educate their children.  There are seven Core Aims that the school will be working on, trying to improve the parent/carer participation and involvement with school.  The school will make every effort to keep all parents involved and updated about all aspects of school life. As you may know we have a weekly food co-op, a family fitness club, a half-termly parents forum and many more exciting activities through the school year.

 The main aims of Investors in Families are

  • To improve the life chances of every child.
  • To value and support the important role that families play in the life of the Child
  • To enable families to fully participate in raising their child’s achievement and self-esteem
  •  To promote social inclusion and a sense of well-being through positive participation in the child’s education
  • To encourage a whole school commitment to this way of working
  • To enable other schools to network and share good practice

The Investors in Families program will continue throughout the school year and over a two year cycle. We have already sent out a parent questionnaire which we would be really grateful if you could spend a few minutes completing this form.


IMG 1882

Family Fitness