Our Vision

Our Vision for all children at Monnow Primary school is;


  • To empower all our children with a sense of CYNEFIN (Belonging), developing respect and understanding for themselves, each other and for the diverse world around them. 

  • To evoke a thirst of making connectionsthrough enquiry-based learning into endless creative, enterprising possibilities and problem – solving. Connecting these pathways to fully participate in life and work. 

  • To instil a strength of courage and ambition that all our children are capable and confident to achieve to their greatest potential, especially when they put their hearts and minds to it and never give up. 

The Curriculum for Wales sets the foundations for our children to enjoy learning that inspires them to succeed in an ever-changing world. Our curriculum design is developed to ensure the potential of every one of our learners is actively catered for within a relevant, authentic context. The learning context is set against the backdrop of our diverse community, whilst ensuring all our stakeholders have a voice of ownership and sense of belonging (CYNEFIN) in all that we do.  

Monnow’s curriculum design is committed to providing exciting authentic, rich learning contexts which support an inclusive, inspiring and challenging curriculum for all our learners. A curriculum which reflects our local and wider community and the heritage around us here in Newport. Here at Monnow primary school we endeavour to ignite interests and stimulate passions in our learners by expanding their horizons in our partnerships within the arts and commerce and industry. 


Together with the children we are developing a cross-curricular curriculum filled with opportunities to develop compassion and curiosity based on the foundations of our curriculum of COURAGE.  


Child-centred learning  

Opportunities for all 

United Nations’ Rights of the Child 

Resourceful, resilient risktakers 

Authentic responsive learning 

Global citizenship 

Empowered enterprising, creative learners

Our curriculum design incorporates six areas of learning all underpinned by a Welsh dimension as well as an international Global Goals and UK perspective. The areas of learning are organised to support each term’s rich context for learning and having taken account of our pupils’ voice and their rights.